Institut für Gesundheitsforschung und Bildung (IGB)

Universität Osnabrück

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Publikationen 2024

Symanzik C, Skudlik C (2024) Allergy in the Diabetic Patient. In: Fritz K, Tiplica, G.-S. (Hrsg.): Cutaneous Manifestations in Diabetes. Springer, Cham (zur Publikation angenommen)

Dietz JB, Menné T, Meyer HW, Viskum S, Flyvholm MA, Ahrensbøll-Friis U, John SM, Johansen JD (2024) Impact of atopic dermatitis on occupational contact dermatitis among young people: A retrospective cohort study. Contact Dermatitis 90:143-152. doi: 10.1111/cod.14426

Rönsch H, Schiffers F, Ofenloch R, Weisshaar E, Buse AS, Hansen A, John SM, Giménez Arnau AM, Pesqué D, Agner T, Nørreslet LB, Loman L, Romeijn GLE, Schuttellaar MLA, Košćec Bjelajac A, Macan J, Apfelbacher C, Bauer A (2024) Chronisches Handekzem in Europa: Erfassung von Patientenerfahrungen und -perspektiven (CHEPEP) anhand von qualitativen Interviews. Kompass Dermatologie. doi: 10.1159/000536091 [Epub ahead of print]

Yüksel, YT, Symanzik C, Christensen MO, Olesen CM, Thyssen JP, Skudlik C, John SM, Agner T, Brans R (2024) Prevalence and incidence of hand eczema in healthcare workers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Contact Dermatitis. doi: 10.1111/cod.14489 [Epub ahead of print]



Publikationen 2023

John SM, Symanzik C, Skudlik C (2023) Begutachtung von entzündlichen Hauterkrankungen (BK 5101) und Hautkrebs (BK 5103). In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Berlin. S. 421-440

John SM, Symanzik C, Skudlik C (2023) Beispielgutachten für entzündliche Hauterkrankungen (BK 5101) und Hautkrebs (BK 5103). In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Berlin. S. 441-482

Hübner A, Brans R (2023) Berufliches Schuhwerk. In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM ((Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Berlin. S. 233-242

Brans R (2023) Klinische Fallbeispiele – Kumulativ-subtoxisches Handekzem. In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Berlin. S. 359-362

Brans R, Skudlik C (2023) Klinische Fallbeispiele – Fallbeispiele für allergische Kontaktekzeme. In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Berlin. S. 363-374

Brans R (2023) Klinische Fallbeispiele – Hyperkeratotisch-rhagadiformes Handekzem. In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Berlin. S. 375-378

Brans R (2023) Klinische Fallbeispiele – Teils aerogenes allergisches Kontaktekzem (mit Gesichtsekzem). In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Berlin. S. 379-382

Brans R, Voß H, Hübner A (2023) Klinische Fallbeispiele- Fußekzem. In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Berlin. S. 383-388

Krohn S, Skudlik C, Bauer A, Altenburg C, Brandenburg S, Brans R, Engel D, Fartasch M, Forchert M, Gerecke U, Gina M, Heratizadeh A, Köllner A, Lindemann B, Römer W, Rolff R, Ulrich C, Wehrmann W, Weisshaar E, Worm M, John SM (2023) Therapieformen bei der Behandlung von Berufsdermatosen der BK-Nr. 5101 – Begriffsdefinitionen für die Praxis der gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung. Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 71:137-145

Obermeyer L, Brans R (2023) Klinische Fallbeispiele – Kontakturtikaria und Proteinkontaktdermatitis. In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Berlin. S. 389-394

Brans R (2023) Klinische Fallbeispiele – Physikalisch verursachte Berufsdermatosen. In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Berlin. S. 399-402

Brans R (2023) Klinische Fallbeispiele – Beruflicher Hautkrebs. In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Berlin. S. 415-420

Skudlik C (2023) BK 5101: Schwere oder wiederholt rückfällige Hauterkrankungen. In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Berlin. S. 21-36

Skudlik C (2023) Adjuvante Präventionsmaßnahmen der gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung, Verfahren Haut DGUV. In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Berlin. S. 259-262

Skudlik C (2023) Hautarztverfahren. In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Berlin. S. 263-290

Skudlik C (2023) Ambulante Individualprävention. In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Berlin. S. 291-294

Skudlik C (2023) Stationäre Individualprävention. In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Berlin. S. 295-302

Ludewig M, Rocholl M, Skudlik C (2023) Arbeitsschutz: berufsbedingter Hautkrebs im Kontext des Klimawandles. In: Scherenberg V, Pundt J (Hrsg.): Klima- und Gesundheitsschutz: Planetary-Health-Lösungsansätze. Apollon University Press, Bremen. S. 301-3014

Frick S, Skudlik C (2023) Beruflich verursachte Mykose der Haut. In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Berlin. S. 411-414

Symanzik C, Brans R, John SM, Skudlik C (2023) Hautveränderungen im Zusammenhang mit COVID-19. In: Nienhaus, Letzel, Nowak (Hrsg.): Corona und Arbeit – Arbeits- und sozialmedizinische Aspekte von COVID-19 und Post-COVID. Ecomed Medizin, Landsberg am Lech. S. 210-2020

Wilke A, Sonsmann F (2023) Schutzhandschuhe. In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Heidelberg. S. 189-232

Wilke A, Sonsmann F (2023) Hautschutz durch Kopfschutz, Augen- und Gesichtsschutz, Schutzkleidung und Atemschutz. In: Skudlik C, Schön MP, John SM (Hrsg.): Berufsdermatologie. Springer, Heidelberg, S. 243-258

Ludewig M, Hansen A, Wilke A, Sonsmann FK (2023) Einsatz von Einmalhandschuhen in Pflegeberufen. In: Stößel U, Reschauer G, Michaelis M (Hrsg.): Arbeitsmedizin im Gesundheitsdienst, Band 36, edition FFAS, schwarz auf weiss litho und druck gmbh, Freiburg im Breisgau. S. 91-103

Brans R, Wagner N (2023) 67. Arbeitssitzung (Frühjahrssymposium) der Deutschen Kontaktallergie-Gruppe (DKG). J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 21(8):937-938

Augustin M, John SM (2023) Learning lessons for the battle against disease burden and stigmatization in chronic skin diseases: Call for action needed? J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 37(7):15-16. doi: 10.1111/jdv.18985 

Babic Z, Hallmann S, Havmose, Johansen J, John SM, Symanzik C, Uter W, Weinert P, van der Molen H, Kezic S, Macan J, Turk R (2023) Genotoxicity of oxidative hair dye precursors: A systematic review. Human and Experimental Toxicology 42:1-13. doi: 10.1177/09603271231159803 

Bauer A, Pesonen M, Brans R, Caroppo F, Dickel H, Dugonik A, Larese Filon F, Geier J, Gimenez-Arnau AM, Napolitano M, Patruno C, Rustemeyer T, Simon D, Schuttelaar MLA, Spiewak R, Stingeni L, Vok M, Weisshaar E, Wilkinson M, Valiukeviciene S, Uter W (2023) Occupational contact allergy: The European perspective-Analysis of patch test data from ESSCA between 2011 and 2020. Contact Dermatitis 88(4):263-274

Bill V, Wilke A, Sonsmann, F, Rocholl M (2023) What is the current state of research concerning self-efficacy in exercise behaviour? Protocol for two systematic evidence maps. BMJ Open 13 (8):e070359. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-070359

Bill V, Wilken-Fricke L, Paetow W, Skudlik C, Sonsmann FK, Wilke A (2022) Wie Stress und Haut zusammenwirken: Gesundheitspsychologische Interventionen in der berufsdermatologischen Rehabilitation. Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 70 (3):106-119. doi:10.5414/DBX00421

Brans R, John SM, Wilke A, Hübner A (2023) Programme for prevention of foot dermatoses in patients with work-related skin diseases: Baseline data and first results of a prospective cohort study (OCCUPES). Contact Dermatitis 89(4):259-269. doi: 10.1111/cod.14400

Brans R (2023) Promising results for treatment of severe chronic hand eczema with dupilumab. Br J Dermatol 189(4):360-361

Brans R, Werner S, Obermeyer L, Hansen A, Altenburg C, Nienhaus A (2023) Allergic contact dermatitis to accelerators in rubber gloves marketed as accelerator-free. Contact Dermatitis 89(1):65-68

Brans R, Schröder-Kraft C, Bauer A, Weisshaar E, Skudlik C, Geier J, IVDK (2023) Contact sensitizations in massage therapists with occupational contact dermatitis: Patch test data of the Information Network of Departments of Dermatology, 2008-2020. Contact Dermatitis 88(1):43-53.

Brans R, Bauer A, Becker D, Dickel H, Gina M, Häberle M, Heratizadeh A, Krohn S, Mahler V, Nestoris S, Skudlik C, Weisshaar E, Geier J (2023) Auswirkung einer arbeitsbedingten Kontaktallergie gegen N-Isopropyl-N'-phenyl-p-phenylendiamin bei der BK 5101. Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 71(3):90-95

Brans R, Bauer A, Becker D, Dickel H, Gina M, Häberle M, Heratizadeh A, Krohn S, Mahler V, Nestoris S, Skudlik C, Weisshaar E, Geier J (2023) Auswirkung verschiedener Kombinationen arbeitsbedingter Kontaktallergien gegen Gummiinhaltsstoffe (Thiurame/ Dithiocarbamate, Benzothiazole, 1,3-Diphenylguanidin und N-Isopropyl-N`-phenyl- p-phenylendiamin) bei der BK 5101. Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 71(3):96-101

Brans R, Bauer A, Becker D, Dickel H, Gina M, Häberle M, Heratizadeh A, Krohn S, Mahler V, Nestoris S, Skudlik C, Weisshaar E, Geier J (2023) Auswirkung einer arbeitsbedingten Kontaktallergie gegen Thiurame/Dithiocarbamate bei der BK 5101. Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 71(2):67-75

Brans R, Bauer A, Becker D, Dickel H, Gina M, Häberle M, Heratizadeh A, Krohn S, Mahler V, Nestoris S, Skudlik C, Weisshaar E, Geier J (2023) Auswirkung einer arbeitsbedingten Kontaktallergie gegen Benzothiazole bei der BK 5101. Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 71(2):76-81

Brans R, Mahler V (2023) What should be considered during epicutaneous patch testing? Allergo J Int 32. doi: 10.1007/s40629-023-00243-y [Online ahead of print]

Frank S, Schnell-Inderst P, Dungel, P, Frank RP, Wolfgang P, Stückler J, Rappold, V, John SM, Skudlik C, Symanzik C (2023) Hautreinigungs-, Hautschutz- und Hautpflegeverhalten von Beschäftigten im Gesundheitsdienst: eine empirische Untersuchung in einem österreichischen Unfallkrankenhaus. Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 71(4):146-164

Geier J, Dickel H, Schröder-Kraft C, Gina M, Simon D, Weisshaar E, Lang C, Brans R, Bauer A, Löffler H, Schubert S (2023) IVDK. 2,4,6-Tris(dimethylaminomethyl)phenol: The allergen which came in from the cold. Contact Dermatitis 88(4):316-318

Geier J, Brans R, Weisshaar E, Wagner N, Szliska C, Heratizadeh A, Schubert S (2023) IVDK. Contact sensitization to benzisothiazolinone: IVDK-data of the years 2002 to 2021. Contact Dermatitis 88(6):446-455

Gill C, Fischer A.-K, Dicke K. Teigelake B, Brans R, Skudlik C, John SM, Symanzik C (2023) Teledermatological Follow-Up Consultations in Individual Prevention of Occupational Dermatoses: A Monocentric Feasibility Study on Quality and Satisfaction by Patients and Physicians. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 20(12):6127. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20126127 

Heichel T, Brans R, John SM, Nienhaus A, Nordheider K, Wilke A, Sonsmann F (2023) Effects of impermeable and semipermeable glove materials on resolution of inflammation and epidermal barrier impairment after experimental skin irritation. Contact Dermatitis 89(1):26-36. doi: 10.1111/cod.14317 6

Hübner A, John SM, Wilke A, Brans R (2023) Programme for prevention of foot dermatoses in patients with work-related skin diseases: Follow-up data of a prospective cohort study (OCCUPES). Contact Dermatitis. 2023 Nov 11. doi: 10.1111/cod.14453 (Online ahead of print) Wilke A, Fischer A.-K., Brans R, Sonsmann F (2023) Patientenschulungen bei berufsbedingten Handekzemen: Bedeutung und Herausforderungen in der Versorgungspraxis. Die Dermatologie 74 (6):416-424

Buse A-S, Wilke A, John SM, Hansen A (2023) Illness perceptions of occupational hand eczema in German patients based on the common-sense model: A qualitative study. PLoS One 18 (5):e0285791

Ludewig M, Rocholl M, John SM, Wilke A (2023) Prävention von berufsbedingtem Hautkrebs bei Beschäftigten im Freien: Entwicklung eines Curriculums zur Fortbildung von Multiplikator*innen. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung 18 (2):274-281

John SM, Symanzik C, Skudlik C (2023) Handekzem undUnfallversicherung – was man für die Praxis wissen sollte. Dermatologie 74:393-401. doi:/10.1007/s00105-023-05138-1 

Melnik B, John SM, Carrera Bastos P, Cordain L, Leitzmann C, Weiskirchen R, Schmitz G (2023) The Role of Cow’s Milk Consumption in Breast Cancer Initiation and Progression. Current Nutrition Reports 12(1):122-140 doi: 10.1007/s13668-023-00457-0 

Ristow N, Rocholl M, Wilke A, John SM, Ludewig M (2023) Using behaviour change Techniques to characterize patient educational interventions in tertiary individual prevention of work-related skin diseases. Translational Behavioral Medicine ibad081. doi: 10.1093/tbm/ibad081 [Epub ahead of print]

Rocholl M, Wilke A, Meyer J, John SM, Ludewig M (2023) Illness Perceptions of Patients with Occupational Skin Diseases in a Healthcare Centre for Tertiary Prevention: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20(9):5652. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20095652 

Rönsch H, Schiffers F, Ofenloch R, Weisshaar E, Buse AS, Hansen A, John SM, Giménez Arnau AM, Pesqué D, Agner T, Nørreslet LB, Loman L, Romeijn GLE, Schuttellaar MLA, Košćec Bjelajac A, Macan J, Apfelbacher C, Bauer A (2023) Chronic hand eczema in Europe: Patient experiences and perspectives (CHEPEP) in qualitative interviews. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 37(7):1396-1405. doi: 10.1111/jdv.19055 

Rönsch H, Schiffers F, Ofenloch R, Weisshaar E, Buse A-S, Hansen A, John SM, Gimenez-Arnau A, Pesque D, Agner T, Norreslet LB, Lomann L, Romein GLE, Schuttelaar ML, Bjelajac AK, Bauer A, Apfelbacher C (2023) Which outcomes should be measured in hand eczema trials? Results from patient interviews and an expert survey. JEADV 37(6):1199-1206. doi: 10.1111/jdv.18923 

Schubert S, Geier J, Brans R, Heratizadeh A, Kränke B, Schnuch A, Bauer A, Dickel H, Buhl T, Vieluf D, Wagner N, Worm M (2023) IVDK. Patch testing hydroperoxides of limonene and linalool in consecutive patients-Results of the IVDK 2018-2020. Contact Dermatitis 89(2):85-94

Schubert S, Worm M, Dickel H, Wagner N, Brans R, Schröder-Kraft C, Bauer A, Koch A, Geier J, IVDK (2023) Patch testing shellac in consecutive patients-Data of the Information Network of Departments of Dermatology (IVDK) 2021. Contact Dermatitis 88(1):77-80

Silva Paulo M, Symanzik C, Carvalho F, Connemann S, Dias JB, Gobba F, John SM, Lapão LV, Loney T, Maia MR, Pinho C, Rodrigues A, Strehl C, Tenkate T, Wittlich M, Modenese A (2023) Digitally measuring solar ultraviolet radiation in outdoor workers: a study protocol for establishing the use of electronic personal dosimeters in Portugal. Frontiers in Public Health 11:1140903. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1140903 

Symanzik C, John SM (2023) Hautkrebs durch solare Ultraviolettstrahlung am Arbeitsplatz. Dermatologie. doi: 10.1007/s00105-023-05254-y [Epub ahead of print]

Symanzik C, Skudlik C, John SM (2023) Acceptance of skin products in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: an empirical investigation. Occupational Medicine 73(1):29-32. doi: 10.1093/occmed/kqac046 

Symanzik C, Brans R, Skudlik S, John SM, Dicke K (2023) Skin picking: A problem among healthcare workers? Health Science Reports. 6(6):e1348. doi: 10.1002/hsr2.1348

Symanzik C, Altenburg C, Awe S, Palsherm K, Marx M, Drechsel-Schlund C, Nienhaus A, Brandenburg S, Skudlik C, John SM (2023) Durchführung und Evaluation eines E-learning-Schulungskonzepts zur Umsetzung der Berufskrankheiten-Rechtsänderung bei der Berufskrankheit Nr. 5101. Allergologie 46(4):255-266

Symanzik C, Koopmann K, Skudlik C, John SM, Uter W (2023) Bleaching powders, bleaching creams, and other hair lightening preparations as sources for (airborne) allergic contact dermatitis and other health effects in hairdressers: results of an empirical study. Contact Dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis 88:139–144. doi: 10.1111/cod.14242

Symanzik C, Grönefeld A, Gill C, Sonsmann F, Hotfiel T, John SM, Engelhardt M, Grimm C (2023) Back and neck problems as well as disadvantageous ergonomic behavior patterns in university students: Concomitants of the pandemic? Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology 39(1):50-57 

Symanzik C, Ludewig M, Rocholl M, John SM (2023) Photoprotection in occupational dermatology. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 22:1213-1222 doi: 10.1007/s43630-023-00385-6 

Symanzik C, Uter W, John SM (2023) Förderung der eigenständigen Umsetzung der europäischen Rahmenvereinbarung zum Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz im Friseurhandwerk. Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 71(1): 22-33. doi: 10.5414/DBX00445 

Symanzik C, Uter W, John SM (2023) Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz im Friseurhandwerk. Ergebnisse eines europaweiten Projektes zur Exposition gegenüber potentiell gesundheitsschädlichen Stoffen. Arbeitsmed Sozialmed Umweltmed 58(3):165-168 

Symanzik C, John SM, Skudlik C (2023) Nickel und Kobalt im Friseur und Kosmetikhandwerk. ASU Arbeitsmed Sozialmed Umweltmed 58:78-81. doi:10.17147/asu-1-250942 

Symanzik C, John SM (2023) Occupational exposure to cobalt nanoparticles: potential implications on risk assessment and preventive measures. British Journal of Dermatology 188(2):161-162 

Symanzik C, John SM (2023) Wenn der Job zum Risiko wird. Medical by Beauty Forum 1: 51-54 

Symanzik C, Dicke K, Weinert P, Weisshaar E, Brans R, Skudlik C, John SM, Obermeyer L (2023) Quality of patch testing patient's own material in patients with suspected occupational skin diseases throughout Germany: Interim results of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) research project FB 317b. Contact Dermatitis 2023 Dec 3. doi: 10.1111/cod.14470 [Online ahead of print]

Silva Paulo M, Symanzik C, Ádam B, Gobba F, Kezic S, van der Molen HF, Peters CE, Rocholl M, Tenkate T, John SM, Loney T, Modenese A, Wittlich M (2023) Risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma due to occupational exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLOS One 18(3):e0282664. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0282664 

Uter W, Strahwald J, Hallmann S, Duus Johansen J, Havmose M, Kezic S, van der Molen H, Macan J, Babic Z, Franić Z, Macan M, Turk R, Symanzik C, Weinert P, John SM (2023) Systematic review on skin adverse effects of important hazardous hair cosmetic ingredients with a focus on hairdressers. Contact Dermatitis 88:93–108.doi:10.1111/cod.14236

Uter W, Johansen JD, Macan J, Symanzik C, John SM (2023) Diagnostics and Prevention of Occupational Allergy in Hairdressers. Current Allergy and Asthma Reports 23(5):267-275. doi: 10.1007/s11882-023-01076-z 

Uter W, Hallmann S, Gefeller O, Brans R, Symanzik C, Oppel E, Lang C, Kränke B, Treudler R, Geier J. (2023) Contact allergy to ingredients of hair cosmetics in female hairdressers and female consumers-An update based on IVDK data 2013-2020. Contact Dermatitis 89(3):161-170



Publikationen 2022

Wilke A, Metker M, Truong VL, Anderssohn S, Skudlik C, Sonsmann FK (2022) Interprofessionalität in der stationären Individualprävention: Die Perspektive der Ergotherapie in der Versorgung berufsdermatologischer Patientinnen und Patienten. Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 70 (4):154-164

Wilke A, Sonsmann FK (2022) Schutzhandschuhe richtig tragen – Problemfelder und Lösungsansätze für den Handschuhschutz in der Praxis. ASU Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin Umweltmedizin 57 (7):432-435

Sonsmann FK, Wilke A (2022) Mit Einmalhandschuhen richtig umgehen: Auswahl und Anwendung. Heilberufe 74 (3):22-25

Symanzik C, Dicke K, Brans R, Weinert P, Skudlik C, John S M (2022) Systematische Analyse der Testungen von patienteneigenen Substanzen in Deutschland: DGUV-Forschungsprojekt FB 317b zur Qualitätssicherung der Diagnostik beruflicher Typ IV-Allergien. Allergologie 45(7):545-550

Symanzik C, John SM (2022) Occupational Skin Cancer by Solar Ultraviolet Radiation. In: Giménez-Arnau AM, Maibach HI (Hrsg.): Handbook of Occupational Dermatoses, Springer, Cham. S. 47-55

Symanzik C, Skudlik C, John SM (2022) Handekzem. In: Letzel S, Schmitz-Spanke S, Lang J, Nowak D(Hrsg.): Klinische Symptome in der Arbeitsmedizin, ecomed-Storck, Landsberg. S. 311-333

Symanzik C, Skudlik C, John SM (2022) Diagnostik in der Dermatologie. In: Breuer J, Fritze J, Popa A, Scholtysik D., Seifert J, Wich M (Hrsg.): Die Ärztliche Begutachtung. Springer Reference Medizin. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. S. 1-11

Symanzik C, Skudlik C, John SM (2022) BK 5101 – Schwere oder wiederholt rückfällige Hauterkrankungen. In: BreuerJ, Fritze J, Popa A, Scholty sik D, Seifert J, Wich M (Hrsg.): Die Ärztliche Begutachtung. Springer Reference Medizin. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. S. 1-28

Symanzik C, John SM (2022) Relevanz von Schulung und effektiver Pflege zur Prävention von Handekzemen bei Pflegenden unter COVID 19-Bedingungen. derm Praktische Dermatologie. 28(5):660-666

Ristow N, Wilke A, John SM, Ludewig M (2022) Development of an app-based maintenance programme to promote skin protection behaviour for patients with work-related skin diseases. Health Education Journal 81(6):731–744. doi: 10.1177/00178969221115990

Symanzik C, Hillenbrand J, Greie JC, Freidrich AW, Pulz M, Stasielowicz L, John SM, Esser J (2022) Novel insights into pivotal risk factors for rectal carriage of extended-spectrum-β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing enterobacterales (ESBL-E) within the general population in Lower Saxony, Germany.Applied Microbiology 132:3256-3264. doi: 10.1111/jam.15399

Symanzik C, Skudlik C, John SM (2022) Hautreinigung, -schutz und -pflege in der Pandemie. ASU Arbeitsmed Sozialmed Umweltmed 7:440-442. doi: 10.17147/asu-1-204761

Symanzik C, John SM (2022) Sun protection and occupation: Current developments and perspectives for prevention of occupational skin cancer. Frontiers 10:1110158. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1110158

Symanzik C, Körbel-Peceny C, Lüttje D, Engelhardt M, Skudlik C, John SM (2022) Hautveränderungen durch das Tragen eines Mund-Nasen-Schutzes bei Beschäftigten im Gesundheitsdienst im Zuge der Eindämmung der COVID-19-Pandemie: eine empirische Untersuchung in einem niedersächsischen Krankenhaus der Maximalversorgung [Adverse skin reactions caused by masks in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: an empirical investigation in a Lower Saxonian maximum-care hospital]. Dermatologie, Beruf und Umwelt 70(1):3-12. doi: 10.5414/DBX00427

Symanzik C, Altenburg C, Drechsel-Schlund C, Nienhaus A, John SM (2022) Handlungsempfehlung: Langzeittherapie des beruflichen Handekzems mit Alitretinoin im BG-lichen Heilverfahren. Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 70(1):35-52. doi: 10.5414/DBX00430

Symanzik C, Altenburg C, Awe S, Drechsel-Schlund C, Nienhaus A, Brandenburg S, Skudlik C, John SM (2022) Indikation und Kostenübernahme von Biologika im berufsgenossenschaftlichen Heilverfahren am Beispiel von Dupilumab: eine Diskussionsgrundlage. Allergologie 45(7):533-544

Symanzik C, Altenburg C, Awe S, Drechsel-Schlund C, Nienhaus A, Brandenburg S, Skudlik C, John SM (2022) Neuartige systemische Präparate für die Therapie entzündlicher Hauterkrankungen, speziell der atopischen Dermatitis, im berufsgenossenschaftlichen Heilverfahren – eine Diskussionsgrundlage. Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 70 (3):97-105

Symanzik C, Duus Johansen J, Weinert P, Babic Z, Hallmann S, Havmose MS, Kezic S, Macan M, Macan J, Strahwald J, Turk R, van der Molen HF, John SM, Uter W (2022) Differences between hairdressers and consumers in skin exposure to hair cosmetic products: a review. Contact Dermatitis 86(5):333-343. doi: 10.1111/cod.14055

Symanzik C, Skudlik C, John SM (2022) Nickel and cobalt: Underestimated contact allergens in hairdressers? Allergologie Select 6(01):98-103. doi: 10.5414/ALXDB413E

Symanzik C, Weinert P, Babic Z, Hallmann S, Havmose MS, Duus Johansen J, Kezic S, Macan M, Macan J, Strahwald J, Turk R, van der Molen HF, John SM, Uter W (2022) Allergic contact dermatitis caused by 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate and ethyl cyanoacrylate contained in cosmetic glues among hairdressers and beauticians who perform nail treatments and eyelash extension as well as hair extension applications: a systematic review. Contact Dermatitis 86 (6):480-492. doi: 10.1111/cod.14056

Symanzik C, Weinert P, Babić Ž, Hallmann S, Havmose MS, Johansen JD, Kezic S, Macan M, Macan J, Strahwald J, Turk R, van der Molen HF, John SM, Uter W (2022) Skin Toxicity of Selected Hair Cosmetic Ingredients: A Review Focusing on Hairdressers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(13):7588. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19137588

Symanzik C, Hagel, C, Hotfiel T, Engelhardt M, John SM, Grim C (2022) Influence of physical activity on well-being at times of the COVID-19 pandemic: a review. Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology 38(2):171-177. doi: 10.1016/j.orthtr.2022.03.012

Symanzik C, Uter W, Becker SM, Skudlik C, John SM (2022) Nickel and cobalt release from beauty tools: A field study in the German cosmetics trade. Contact Dermatitis 87(2):162-169. doi: 10.1111/cod.14107

Symanzik C, Kezic S, Jakasa I, Skudlik C, John SM, Brans R, Sonsmann F (2022) Effects of skin washing frequency on the epidermal barrier function and inflammatory processes of the epidermis: an experimental study. Contact Dermatitis 87:241–246. doi:10.1111/cod.14119

Symanzik C, Esser J, Pfennigwerth N, Reuter C, Bronnert J, Grade M (2022) Shewanella algae bacteraemia in a patient with a chronic ulcer after contact with seawater on vacation in Turkey: a case report from a German maximum-care hospital. New Microbes and New Infections 48(4):101016.

Symanzik C, Yüksel YT, Christensen MO, Thyssen JP, Skudlik C, John SM, Brans R, Agner T (2022) Prevalence and incidence of hand eczema in healthcare workers: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open 12(10):e062194

Ahlström MG, Dietz JB, Wilke A, Johansen JD, John SM, Brans R (2022) Evaluation of the secondary and tertiary prevention strategies against occupational contact dermatitis in Germany: A systematic review. Contact Dermatitis 87(2): 142-153 doi:10.1111/cod.14099

Brans R (2022) Sensitization to epoxy resin systems in the wind turbine industry: an undesirable side-effect of renewable energies. Br J Dermatol 187(6):842-843

Brans R, Schoenmaker M, Kiewert A, Skudlik C (2022) Occupational allergic contact dermatitis to dicyclohexylamine in a metalworking fluid. Contact Dermatitis 87(2):205-207

Kolodziej M, Kiewert A, Skudlik C, Brans R (2022) Allergic contact dermatitis to phenoxyethanol: A rare, but possible cause of hand dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis 86(4):319-320

Dietz JB, Menné T, Meyer H, Viskum S, Flyvholm MA, Ahrensbøll-Friis U, John SM, Duus Johansen J (2022) Occupational contact dermatitis among young people in Denmark - A survey of causes and long-term consequences. Contact Dermatitis 86(5):404-416. doi: 10.1111/cod.14050

Havmose M, Kezic S, Uter W, Symanzik C, Hallmann S, Strahwald J, Weinert P, Macan M, Turk R, von der Molen H, Babic Z, Macan J, John SM, Duus Johansen J (2022) Prevalence and incidence of hand eczema in hairdressers – a systematic review and meta-analysis of published literature from 2000-2021". Contact Dermatitis 86(4):254-256. doi: 10.1111/cod.14048

Heichel T, Sonsmann FK, John SM, Krambeck K, Maurer J, Nienhaus A, Nordheider K, Stasielowicz L, Wilke A, Brans R (2022) Effects and acceptance of semipermeable gloves compared to cotton gloves in patients with hand dermatoses: Results of a controlled intervention study. Contact Dermatitis 87(2):176-184. doi: 10.1111/cod.14123

Hüsers J, Hafer G, Heggemann J, Wiemeyer S, John SM, Hübner U (2022) Development and evaluation of a Bayesian risk stratification method for major amputations in patients with diabetic foot ulcers. Stud Health Technol Inform 14 (289):212-215. doi: 10.3233/SHTI210897

Kezic S, Nunez R, Babic Z, Hallmann S, Havmose M, Duus Johansen J, John SM, Macan M, Symanzik C, Uter W, Weinert P, Turk R, Macan J, van der Molen H (2022) Occupational exposure of hairdressers to airborne hazardous chemicals: a scoping review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(7):4176. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19074176

Ludewig M, Rocholl M, John SM, Wilke A (2022) Prävention von berufsbedingtem Hautkrebs bei Beschäftigten im Freien: Entwicklung eines Curriculums zur Fortbildung von Multiplikatorinnen. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung 18(2):274-281. doi: 10.1007/s11553-022-00940-6

Kleine-Tebbe J, Brans R, Jappe U (2022) Allergene – Auslöser der verschiedenen Allergievarianten. Allergo J 31(2):16-31

Ogueta IA, Brared Christensson J, Giménez-Arnau E, Brans R, Wilkinson M, Stingeni L, Foti CO, Svedman C, Gonçalo M, Giménez-Arnau A (2022) Limonene and linalool hydroperoxides review: Pros and cons for routine patch testing. Contact Dermatitis 87(1):1-12

Ludewig M, Hansen A, Bartling S, Meyer E, Wilke A, Sonsmann F, Brans R (2022) Length matters – use of polyethylene glove liners to prevent allergic contact dermatitis to rubber accelerators. Contact Dermatitis 86(4):321-322

Kolodziej M, Kiewert A, Skudlik C, Brans R (2022) Allergic contact dermatitis to phenoxyethanol: A rare, but possible cause of hand dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis 86(4):319-320

Melnik B, John SM, Weiskirchen R, Schmitz G (2022) The endocrine and epigenetic impact of persistent cow milk consumption on prostate cancerogenesis. J Transl Genet Genom 6:1-45. doi: 10.20517/jtgg.2021.37

Pietsch A, Hartinger E, Krahl H, Riepenhof H, John SM, Symanzik C (2022) Angstvermeidungsüberzeugungen und Selbsteinschätzungen der Arbeitsfähigkeit bei Beschäftigten mit chronischen Rückenschmerzen: Analyse der Outcomes einer rehabilitativen Maßnahme bei unterschiedlichen Berufsgruppen. Prävention und Rehabilitation 34(4): 155-168

Thyssen JP, Schuttelaar M, Alfonso j, Andersen K, Angelova-Fischer I, Arents B, Bauer A, Brans R, John SM et al. (2022) Guidelines for diagnosis, prevention and treatment of hand eczema. Contact Dermatitis 86(5):357-378. doi: 10.1111/cod.14035

Uter W, Wilkinson SM, Aerts O, Bauer A, Borrego L, Buhl T, Cooper SM, Dickel H, Gallo R, Giménez-Arnau AM, John SM, Navarini AA, Pesonen M, Pónyai G, Rustemeyer T, Schliemann S, Schubert S, Schuttelaar MA, Valiukevičienė S, Wagner N, Weisshaar E, Gonçalo M; ESSCA and EBS ESCD working groups, and the GEIDAC (2022) European patch test results with audit allergens as candidates for inclusion in the European Baseline Series, 2019/20: Joint results of the ESSCA and the EBS working groups of the ESCD, and the GEIDAC. Contact Dermatitis 86(5):379-389. doi: 10.1111/cod.14059

Zuberbier T, Dörr T, Aberer W, Alvaro M, Angier E, Arasi S, Arshad H, Ballmer-Weber B, Bartra J, Beck L, Bégin P, Bindslev-Jensen C, Bislimovska J, Bousquet J, Brockow K, Bush A, Cianferoni A, Cork MJ, Custovic A, Darsow U, de Jong N, Deleanu D, Del Giacco S, Deschildre A, Dunn Galvin A, Ebisawa M, Fernández-Rivas M, Ferrer M, Fiocchi A, Gerth van Wijk R, Gotua M, Grimshaw K, Grünhagen J, Heffler E, Hide M, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Incorvaia C, Janson C, John SM, Jones C, Jutel M, Katoh N, Kendziora B, Kinaciyan T, Knol E, Kurbacheva O, Lau S, Loh R, Lombardi C, Mäkelä M, Marchisotto MJ, Makris M, Maurer M, Meyer R, Mijakoski D, Minov J, Mullol J, Nilsson C, Nowak-Wegrzyn A, Nwaru BI, Odemyr M, Pajno GB, Paudel S, Papadopoulos NG, Renz H, Ricci G, Ring J, Rogala B, Sampson H, Senna G, Sitkauskiene B, Smith PK, Stevanovic K, Stoleski S, Szajewska H, Tanaka A, Todo-Bom A, Topal FA, Valovirta E, Van Ree R, Venter C, Wöhrl S, Wong GWK, Zhao Z, Worm M (2022) Proposal of 0.5 mg of protein/100 g of processed food as threshold for voluntary declaration of food allergen traces in processed food-A first step in an initiative to better inform patients and avoid fatal allergic reactions: A GA²LEN position paper. Allergy 77(6):1736-1750. doi: 10.1111/all.15167

Babic Z, Macan M, Franić Z, Hallmann S, Havmose M, Duus Johansen J, John SM, Symanzik C, Uter W, Weinert P, van der Molen H, Kezic S, Turk R, Macan J (2022) Association of hairdressing with cancer and reproductive diseases: A systematic review. Occup Health 64 (1):e12351. doi: 10.1002/1348-9585.12351

John SM, Meyer E, Wilke A, Sonsmann F, Brans R (2022) Length matters: Use of polyethylene glove liners to prevent allergic contact dermatitis to rubber accelerators. Contact Dermatitis 86(4):321-322. doi: 10.1111/cod.14030

Macan J, Babić Z, Hallmann S, Havmose M, Duus Johansen J, John SM, Macan M, Symanzik C, Uter W, Weinert P, van der Molen H, Kežić S, Turk R (2022) Respiratory toxicity of persulphate salts and their adverse effects on airways in hairdressers: a systematic review. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 95:1679–1702. doi: 10.1007/s00420-022-01852-w

Uter W, Wilkinson, John SM, Aerts O, Bauer A, Borrego L, Brans R, Buhl T, Dickel H, Dugonik A, Filon FL, Garcìa PM, Giménez-Arnau A, Patruno C, Pesonen M, Pónyai G, Rustemeyer T, Schubert S, Schuttelaar MA, Simon D, Stingeni L, Valiukevičienė S, Weisshaar E, Werfel T, Gonçalo M; ESSCA and EBS ESCD working groups, and the GEIDAC (2022) Patch test results with the European baseline series, 2019/20-Joint European results of the ESSCA and the EBS working groups of the ESCD, and the GEIDAC. Contact Dermatitis 87(4):343-355



Publikationen 2021

Brans R, Uter W, John SM, Hougaard Foss-Skiftesvik M (2021) Occupational Contact Dermatitis: Hairdressers. In: JohansenJD, Mahler V, Lepoittevin JP, Frosch PJ (Hrsg.): Contact Dermatitis. Springer, Cham. S. 471-482

Brans R, John SM, Frosch PJ (2021) Clinical Aspects of Irritant Contact Dermatitis. In: Johansen JD, Mahler V, Lepoittevin JP, Frosch PJ (Hrsg.): Contact Dermatitis. Springer, Cham. S. 295-329

Sonsmann F, John SM, Wilke A (2021) Hautschutz bei Beschäftigten in Gesundheitsfachberufen - Hintergrund, Probleme, Lösungen und Transfer in die Praxis. In: Stößel, Reschauer, Michalis (Hrsg.): Arbeitsmedizin im Gesundheitsdienst. Band 34. Freiburg: edition FFAS. S. 65-87.

Wulfhorst B, Strunk M, Skudlik C, Heichel T, Sonsmann F, Wilke A, Wigger-Alberti W, John SM (2021) Rehabilitation and Prevention of Hand Eczema. In: Johansen JD, Mahler V, Lepoittevin JP, Frosch PJ. (Hrsg.): Contact Dermatitis. Springer, Cham. S. 1225-1271. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-36335-2_71 [ebook pages]

John SM (2021) Globale Krankheitslast von beruflichem Hautkrebs: Neue Erkenntnisse. Derm Praktische Dermatologie 27(1):48-51

Dicke K, Frick S, Tönjes M, Skudlik C, Brans R (2021) Kontaktallergie auf Vulkanisationsbeschleuniger mit Auswirkung auf die Handschuhversorgung. Allergologie 44(11):868-872

Hansen A, Buse AS, Wilke A, Skudlik C, John SM, Brans R (2021) Typ-IV-Sensibilisierung gegenüber 1,3-Diphenylguanidin – ein unterschätztes Problem bei Ärzten und Pflegekräften, die sterile Handschuhe tragen? Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 68(4):177-178. doi: 10.5414/DBX00392

Hansen A, Buse AS, Wilke A, Skudlik C, John SM, Brans R (2021) Sensitisation to 1,3-diphenylguanidine – an underestimated problem in physicians and nurses using surgical gloves? Contact Dermatits 84:207-208. doi: 10.1111/cod.13713

Heichel T, Brans R, John SM, Nienhaus A, Nordheider K, Wilke A, Sonsmann F (2021) Acceptance of semipermeable glove liners compared to cotton glove liners in health care workers with work-related skin diseases: Results of a quasi-randomized trial under real workplace conditions. Contact Dermatitis 85(5):543-553. doi: 10.1111/cod.13929

Obermeyer L, Skudlik C, John SM, Brans R (2021) Treatment with alitretinoin in patients taking part in a tertiary individual prevention programme for occupational skin diseases. Contact Dermatitis 85(4):446-453. doi: 10.1111/cod.13883

Obermeyer L, John SM, Skudlik C (2021) Berufsdermatosen frühzeitig erkennen. Münchner Medizinische Wochenzeitschrift Ausgabe 18. URL: (Abruf am 01.11.2021)

Obermeyer L, John SM, Skudlik C (2021) Berufsdermatosen frühzeitig erkennen. Ästhetische Dermatologie und Kosmetologie 06:28-34. doi: 10.1007/s12634-021-1581-2

Obermeyer L, John SM, Skudlik C, Brans R (2021) Partially airborne allergic contact dermatitis to rubber additives in a car mechanic. Contact Dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis 85(5):588-589. doi: 10.1111/cod.13912

Balato A, Scala E, Ayala F, Bauer A, Crepy MN, Goncalo M, Duus Johansen J, John SM, Rustemeyer T; Wagner N, Wilkinson M, Gimenez Arnau A (2021) Patch test informed consent form: position statement by European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Task Force on Contact Dermatitis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 35(10):1957-1962. doi: 10.1111/jdv.17483.

Dietz JB, Menne T, Meyer HW, Viskum S, Flyvholm MA, Ahrensboll-Friis U, John SM, Duus Johansen J (2021) Incidence rates of occupational contact dermatitis in Denmark between 2007 and 2018 – A population-based study. Contact Dermatitis 85(4):421-428. doi: 10.1111/cod.13910

Dietz JB, Menne T, Meyer HW, Viskum S, Flyvholm MA, Ahrensboll-Friis U, John SM, Duus Johansen J (2021) Degree of employment, sick leave, and costs following notification of occupational contact dermatitis - a register-based study. Contact Dermatitis 84(4):224-235. doi: 10.1111/cod.13719

Brans R, Jakasa I, Goc S, John SM, Kezic S (2021) Stratum corneum levels of inflammatory mediators and natural moisturizing factor in patch test reactions to thiurams and fragrances and their possible role in discrimination between irritant and allergic reactions to hapten mixtures. Contact Dermatitis 84(5):299-307. doi: 10.1111/cod.13746

Dickel H, Kuehn A, Dickel B, Bauer A, Becker D, Fartasch M, Häberle M, John SM, Mahler V, Skudlik C, Weisshaar E, Werfel T, Geier J and Diepgen TL† for the working group "Evaluation of allergens at BK 5101" of the ABD and the DKG in the DDG (2021) Assessment of the effects of a work-related allergy to seafood on the reduction of earning capacity under BK no. 5101. Allergolgie select eCollection 5:33-44. doi: 10.5414/AL0DB380E [Online publication]

Horton E, Uter W, Geier J, Ballmer-Weber B, Bauer A, Bircher A, Dickel H, Giménez-Arnau A, Gonçalo M, John SM, Mahler V, Schuttellaar ML, Simon D, Sanchez-Perez J, Rustemeyer T, Weisshaar E, Wilkinson M (2021) Developing a cosmetic series - results from the ESSCA network, 2009 – 2018. Contact Dermatitis 84(2):82-94.doi: 10.1111/cod.13690

Hüsers J, Przysucha M, Esda M, John SM, Hübner U (2021) The Expressiveness of SNOMED CT for wound Care – Mapping a Standardised item Set for Leg Ulcers onto SNOMED CT. JMIR Medical Informatics 9(10):e31980. doi:10.2196/31980

John SM, Garbe C, French LE, Takala J, Yared W, Cardone A, Gehring R, Spahn A, Stratigos A (2021) Improved Protection of Outdoor Workers from Solar Ultraviolet Radiation - Position Statement. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 35(6):1278-1284. doi: 10.1111/jdv.17011

Balato A, Scala E, Ayala F, Bauer A, Crépy MN, Gonçalo M, Duus Johansen J, John SM, Rustemeyer T, Wagner N, Wilkinson M, Giménez-Arnau A (2021) Patch test informed consent form: position statement by European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Task Force on Contact Dermatitis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 35(10):1957-1962. doi: 10.1111/jdv.17483

Forkel S, Schubert S, Dickel H, Gina M, Schröder-Kraft C, Vieluf D, Brans R, Kreft B, Wurpts G, Geier J, Buhl T (2021) The benefit of late readings in patch testing depends both on allergen and patient characteristics. Allergy. 2021 Oct 23. doi: 10.1111 [Epub]

Hansen A, Brans R, Sonsmann F (2021) Allergic contact dermatitis to rubber accelerators in protective gloves: Problems, challenges, and solutions for occupational skin protection. Allergol Select 5:335-344

Kolodziej M, Kiewert A, Skudlik C, Brans R (2021) Allergic contact dermatitis caused by polyhexamethylene biguanide may contribute to work-related hand eczema. Contact Dermatitis 85(1):97-98

Keurentjes AJ, Jakasa I, van Dijk A, van Putten E, Brans R, John SM, Rustemeyer T, van der Molen HF, Kezic S (2021) Stratum corneum biomarkers after repeated exposure to sub-erythemal dosages of ultraviolet radiation and in vivo assessment of sunscreen (SPF 50+) efficacy. Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine 38(1):60-68. doi: 10.1111/phpp.12717

Krohn S, Bauer A, Drechsel-Schlund D, Engel M, Fartasch M, John SM, Köllner A, Römer W, Wehrmann W, Weisshaar E, Skudlik C (2021) DGUV Hautarztverfahren. Update Hautarztbericht 2021. Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 69(2):97-100. doi: 10.5414/DBX00414

Larese Filon F, Pesce M, Paulo MS, Loney T, Modenese A, John SM, Kezic S, Macan J (2021) Incidence of occupational contact dermatitis in health care workers: A systematic review (Editor’s pick). J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 35(6):1285-1289. doi: 10.1111/jdv.17096

Loney T, Paulo SM, Modenese A, Gobba F, Tenkate T, Whiteman DV, Green AC, John SM (2021) Global Evidence on occupational sun exposure and keratinocyte cancers: a systematic review. BJD 184(2):208-218. doi: 10.1111/bjd.19152

Lomann L, Uter W, Jose C, Ayala F, Balato A, Ballmer-Weber B, Bauer A, Bicher A, Buhl T, Czarnecka-Operacz M, Dickel H, Fuchs T, Gimenez Anrau A, John SM, Kränke B, Krecisz B, Mahler V, Rustemeyer T, Sadowska-Przytocka A, Sanchez-Perez J, Scherer Hofmeier K, Schliemann S, Simon D, Spiewak S, Spring P, Valiukeviciene S, Wagner N, Weisshaar E, Pesonen M, Schuttellaar M (2021) European Surveillance System on Contact Allergies (ESSCA): Characteristics of patients patch tested and diagnosed with irritant contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis 85(2):186-197. doi: 10.1111/cod.13833

Melnik BM, Schmitz G, John SM (2021) Gesundheitsrisiken durch Milchkonsum: eine kritische Bewertung aus ärztlicher Sicht. MMW Fortschritte der Medizin 163(S4):3-9

Melinik B, Stremmel W, Weiskirchen R, John SM, Schmitz G (2021) Exosome-Derived MicroRNAs of Human Milk and Their Effects on Infant Health and Development. Biomolecules 11(6):851. doi: 10.3390/biom11060851

Modenese A, Loney T, Rocholl M, Symanzik C, Gobba F, John SM, Straif K, Paulo MS (2021) Protocol for a systematic review on the effectiveness of interventions to reduce exposure to occupational solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) among outdoor workers. Frontiers in Public Health Vol. 9:Article 756566 [online publication]. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.756566

Rocholl M, Ludewig M, Böhm C, John SM, Wilke A (2021) Illness perceptions of adults with eczematous skin diseases: a systematic mixed studies review. Systematic Reviews 10:414. doi: 10.1186/s13643-021-01687-5 [Online publication 10 May 2021]

Rocholl M, Weinert P, Bielfeldt S, Laing S, Wilhelm KP, Ulrich C, John SM (2021) New methods for assessing secondary performance attributes of sunscreens suitable for professional outdoor work. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 16 (1):8

Rocholl M, Hannappel J, Ludewig M, John SM (2021) UV-Induced Skin Cancer Knowledge, Sun Exposure, and Tanning Behavior among University Students: Investigation of an Opportunity Sample of German University Students. Journal of Skin Cancer 16(1):8. doi:10.1155/2021/5558694

Schubert S, Bauer A, Hillen U, Werfel T, Geier J, Brans R (2021) Occupational contact dermatitis in painters and varnishers: Data from the Information Network of Departments of Dermatology (IVDK), 2000 to 2019. Contact Dermatitis 85(5):494-502

Sonsmann FK, Skudlik C, Wilke A (2021) Hautschutz in Pflegeberufen – Herausforderungen und Lösungen. ASU Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin Umweltmedizin 56 (9):532-538

Rocholl M, Ludewig M, Brakemeier C, John SM, Wilke A (2021) Illness perceptions of adults with eczematous skin diseases: a systematic mixed studies review. Systematic Reviews 10 (1):141

Kersting K, Geier A, Hansen A, Heine K, Steinhausen M, Wilke A (2021) Der Arbeitskreis Epoxidharze – eine branchenübergreifende Initiative. Gefahrstoffe – Reinhaltung der Luft 81 (1-2):61-68

Uter W, Duus Johansen J, Havmose MS, Kezic S, von der Molen HF, Macan J, Babic Z, Truk R, Symanzik C, John SM (2021) Protocol for a systematic review on skin and systemic toxicity of important hazardous substances in hair cosmetics and hand eczema in hairdressers. BMJ Open 11:e050612. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-050612

Uter W, Worm M, Brans R, Wagner N, Bauer A, Geier J, IVDK (2021) Patch test results with caine mix III and its three constituents in consecutive patients of the IVDK. Contact Dermatitis 84(6):481-483

Uter W, Bauer A, Belloni Fortina A, Bircher AJ, Brans R, Buhl T, Cooper SM, Czarnecka-Operacz M, Dickel H, Dugonik A, Geier J, Giménez-Arnau AM, Gonçalo M, Johansen JD, Johnston GA, Mahler V, Rustemeyer T, Sanchez-Perez J, Schuttelaar MLA, Simon D, Spiewak R, Valiukevičienė S, Weisshaar E, White IR, Wilkinson M, ESSCA Working Group (2021) Patch test results with the European baseline series and additions thereof in the ESSCA network, 2015-2018. Contact Dermatitis 84(2):109-120

Weinberger NA, Mrowietz S, Luck-Sikorski C, von Spreckelsen R, John SM, Sommer R, Augustin M, Mrowietz U (2021) Effectiveness of a structured intervention seminar against stigmatization in chronic visible skin diseases: results of a controlled trial in future educators. Health Expectations. Health Expectations 24(5):1790-1800. doi: 10.1111/hex.13319

Symanzik C, Skudlik C, John SM (2021) Experimental evaluation of nickel and cobalt release from tools and self‐reported prevalence of nickel and cobalt allergy in the German hairdressing trade. JEADV 35(4):965-972. doi: 10.1111/jdv.17058

Wilke A, Hansen A, Ludewig M, Rocholl M, John SM (2021) Prävention berufsbedingter Erkrankungen durch Lehrkräfte: Entwicklung von Unterrichtsmaterialien am Beispiel von Hauterkrankungen in Epoxidharz-verarbeitenden Ausbildungsberufen [Prevention of work-related diseases by teachers: Development of teaching materials using skin diseases in epoxy resin-processing training professions as an example] Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung 16:123-130. doi: 10.1007/s11553-020-00799-5

Zuberbier T, Dörr T, Aberer W, Alvaro M, Angier E, Arasi S, Arshad H, Ballmer-Weber B, Bartra J, Beck L, Bégin P, Bindslev-Jensen C, Bislimovska J, Bousquet J, Brockow K, Bush A, Cianferoni A, Cork MJ, Custovic A, Darsow U, de Jong N, Deleanu D, Del Giacco S, Deschildre A, Dunn Galvin A, Ebisawa M, Fernández-Rivas M, Ferrer M, Fiocchi A, Gerth van Wijk R, Gotua M, Grimshaw K, Grünhagen J, Heffler E, Hide M, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Incorvaia C, Janson C, John SM, Jones C, Jutel M, Katoh N, Kendziora B, Kinaciyan T, Knol E, Kurbacheva O, Lau S, Loh R, Lombardi C, Mäkelä M, Marchisotto MJ, Makris M, Maurer M, Meyer R, Mijakoski D, Minov J, Mullol J, Nilsson C, Nowak-Wegrzyn A, Nwaru BI, Odemyr M, Pajno GB, Paudel S, Papadopoulos NG, Renz H, Ricci G, Ring J, Rogala B, Sampson H, Senna G, Sitkauskiene B, Smith PK, Stevanovic K, Stoleski S, Szajewska H, Tanaka A, Todo-Bom A, Topal FA, Valovirta E, Van Ree R, Venter C, Wöhrl S, Wong GWK, Zhao Z, Worm M. (2021) Proposal of 0.5 mg of protein /100 g of processed food as threshold for voluntary declaration of food allergen traces in processed food – a first step in an initiative to better inform patients and avoid fatal allergic reactions - A GA²LEN position paper. Allergy 00:1-15 [online publication before inclusion in an issue]. doi: 10.1111/all.15167

Yüksel YT, Sedeh FB, Brans R, Svedman C, Paulsen E, Gimenéz-Arnau A, Foti C, Agner T, EECDRG (2021) Value of photo assessment in late patch test readings-A multicenter study from six European patch test clinics. Contact Dermatitis 84(5):283-289



Publikationen 2020

Wulfhorst B, Strunk M, Skudlik C, Heichel T, Sonsmann F, Wilke A, Wigger-Alberti W, John SM (2020) Rehabilitation and Prevention of Hand Eczema. In: Frosch PJ, Duus Johansen J, Lepoittevin JP, Mahler V (eds.) Contact Dermatitis. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, 6th edition, pp 1225-1272

Brans R (2020) Epidemiology and Burden of Occupational Skin Diseases. In: Gimenez-Arnau A, Maibach H (eds.) Handbook of Occupational Dermatoses. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, pp 13-21

Brans R (2020) Mechanical Causes of Occupational Skin Disease. In: John SM, Duus Johansen J, Rustemeyer T, Elsner P, Maibach H (eds.) Kanerva’s Occupational Dermatology. 3rd edition (Vol. II). Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, pp 1189-1197

Brans R (2020) Smoking (Including Non-Smoking). In: John SM, Duus Johansen J, Rustemeyer T, Elsner P, Maibach H (eds.) Kanerva’s Occupational Dermatology. 3rd edition (Vol. II). Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, pp 1199-1207

Brans R, Kaup O, Schürer NY (2020) Occupational MRSA Infection: Risk Factor, Disposition, Prevention and Therapy. In: John SM, Duus Johansen J, Rustemeyer T, Elsner P, Maibach H (eds.) Kanerva’s Occupational Dermatology. 3rd edition (Vol. III). Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, pp 1493-1504

Brans R (2020) Bath Attendants. In: John SM, Duus Johansen J, Rustemeyer T, Elsner P, Maibach H (eds.) Kanerva’s Occupational Dermatology. 3rd edition (Vol. IV). Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, pp 1733-1741

Brans R (2020) Candle Makers. In: John SM, Duus Johansen J, Rustemeyer T, Elsner P, Maibach H (eds.) Kanerva’s Occupational Dermatology. 3rd edition (Vol. IV). Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, pp 1789-1792

Skudlik C, John SM (2020) Psoriasis and Work. In: John SM, Duus Johansen J, Rustemeyer T, Elsner P, Maibach H (eds.) Kanerva’s Occupational Dermatology. 3rd edition (Vol. I). Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, pp 461-466

Antonov D, Schliemann S, Elsner P, John SM (2020) Wet Work and Occlusion. In: John SM, Duus Johansen J, Rustemeyer T, Elsner P, Maibach H (eds.) Kanerva’s Occupational Dermatology. 3rd edition (Vol. II). Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, pp 1117-1129

Landeck L, Baden LA, John SM (2020) Detergents. In: John SM, Duus Johansen J, Rustemeyer T, Elsner P, Maibach H (eds.) Kanerva’s Occupational Dermatology. 3rd edition (Vol. II). Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, pp 1131-1143

Skudlik C, John SM (2020) Prevention and Rehabilitation. In: John SM, Duus Johansen J, Rustemeyer T, Elsner P, Maibach H (eds.) Kanerva’s Occupational Dermatology. 3rd edition (Vol. III). Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, pp 1617-1629

Landeck L, Wulfhorst B, John SM (2020) Prevention in Health Care Professionals. In: John SM, Duus Johansen J, Rustemeyer T, Elsner P, Maibach H (eds.) Kanerva’s Occupational Dermatology. 3rd edition (Vol. III). Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, pp 1631-1643

Rocholl M, John SM, Wilke A (2020) Websites, Online Databases and Sources of Information. In: John SM, Duus Johansen J, Rustemeyer T, Elsner P, Maibach H (eds.) Kanerva’s Occupational Dermatology. 3rd edition (Vol. I). Springer, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, pp 105-115

White J, John SM (2020) Environmental and occupational skin diseases. In Gollnick H, Bagot M, Naldi L, Reynolds N (eds.) The Challenge of Skin Diseases in Europe. EDF White Book. 6th edition. ABW Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin, pp. 85-87

John SM, Kezic S, Keurentjes A, Weinert P, Ulrich C (2020) Protect UV 5103 Studie: Anforderungsprofil beruflich eingesetzter Sonnenschutzpräparate. DGUV Forum 1/2020: 23-27

Symanzik C, John SM (2020) Berufsdermatologische Relevanz der Nickelallergie im Friseurhandwerk. i derm Praktische Dermatologie. 26(6), 540-543

Moldovan H, Wittlich M, John SM, Brans R, Tiplica GS, Salavastru C, Voidazan ST, Duca RC, Fugulyan E, Horvath G, Alexa A, Butacu AI (2020) Exposure to solar UV radiation in outdoor construction workers using personal dosimetry. Environmental Research 181:108967. doi: 10.1016/j.env res.2019.108967

Rocholl M, Ludewig M, John SM, Bitzer EM, Wilke A (2020) Outdoor workers’ perceptions of skin cancer risk and attitudes to sun‐protective measures: A qualitative study. Journal of Occupational Health 62(1):e12083. doi: 10.1002/1348-9585.12083

Schubert S, Brans R, Reich A, Hansen A, Buhl T, Skudlik C, Mempel M, Schön MP, John SM, Geier J (2020) Assessment of occupational exposure and spectrum of contact sensitization in metalworkers with occupational dermatitis: Results of a cohort study within the OCCUDERM project. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 34:1536-1544. doi: 10.1111/jdv.16130

Reich A, Wilke A, Gediga G, Baurecht H, Rodriguez E, Jakasa I, Geier J, Mepmel M, Buhl T, Weidinger S, Kezic S, John SM, Schön MP, Brans R (2020) Health education decreases incidence of hand eczema in metal work apprentices: results of a controlled intervention study. Contact Dermatitis 82(6):350-360. doi: 10.1111/cod.13502

Heppt MV, Leiter U, Steeb T, Amaral T, Bauer A, Becker JC, Breitbart E, Breuninger H, Diepgen T, Dirschka T, Eigentler T, Flaig M, Follmann M, Fritz K, Greinert R, Gutzmer R, Hillen U, Ihrler S, John SM, Kölbl O, Kraywinkel K, Löser C, Nashan D, Noor S, Nothacker M, Pfannenberg C, Salavastru C, Schmitz L, Stockfleth E, Szeimies RM, Ulrich C, Welzel J, Wermker K, Berking C, Garbe C (2020) S3-Leitlinie „Aktinische Keratose und Plattenepithelkarzinom der Haut“– Kurzfassung, Teil 1: Diagnostik,Interventionen bei aktinischenKeratosen, Versorgungsstrukturen und Qualitätsindikatoren [S3 guideline for actinic keratosis and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma - short version, part 1: diagnosis, interventions for actinic keratoses, care structures and quality-of-care indicators]. JDDG 18(3):275-294. doi: 10.1111/ddg.14048

Heppt MV, Leiter U, Steeb T, Amaral T, Bauer A, Becker JC, Breitbart E, Breuninger H, Diepgen T, Dirschka T, Eigentler T, Flaig M, Follmann M, Fritz K, Greinert R, Gutzmer R, Hillen U, Ihrler S, John SM, Kölbl O, Kraywinkel K, Löser C, Nashan D, Noor S, Nothacker M, Pfannenberg C, Salavastru C, Schmitz L, Stockfleth E, Szeimies RM, Ulrich C, Welzel J, Wermker K, Garbe C, Berking C (2020) S3-Leitlinie „Aktinische Keratose und Plattenepithelkarzinom der Haut“– Kurzfassung, Teil 2: Epidemilogische, chirurgische und systemische Therapie des Plattenepithelkarzinoms, Nachsorge, Prävention und Berufskrankheit [S3 guideline for actinic keratosis and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) - short version, part 2: epidemiology, surgical and systemic treatment of cSCC, follow-up, prevention and occupational disease]. JDDG 18(4):400-413. doi: 10.1111/ddg.14072

Andrees V, John SM, Nienhaus A, Skudlik C, Brans R, Augustin M, Krensel M for the ROQ-Study group (2020) Economic evaluation of a tertiary prevention program for occupational skin diseases in Germany. Contact Dermatitis 82(6):361-369. doi: 10.1111/cod.13506

Wittlich M, John SM, Tiplica GS, Sălăvăstru CM, Butacu AI, Modenese A, Paolucci V, D’Hauw G, Gobba F, Sartorelli P, Macan J, Kovačić J, Grandahl K, Moldovan H (2020) Personal solar ultraviolet radiation dosimetry in an occupational setting across Europe. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 34(08):1835-1841. doi: 10.1111/jdv.16303 (editor’s pick)

Ludewig M, Rocholl M, John SM, Wilke A (2020) Secondary prevention of UV-induced skin cancer: Development and pilot testing of an educational patient counseling approach for individual sun protection as standard procedure of patient care. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 93(6):765-777. doi: 10.1007/s00420-020-01532-7

Butacu A, Wittlich M, John SM, Zurac S, Modlovan H, Tiplica GS (2020) Characteristics of non-melanoma skin cancer depending upon occupational UV exposure dosage. Revista Medicală RoMână LXVII(1):39-45

Keurentjes AJ, Jakasa I, John SM, Ulrich C, Bekkenk MW, Rustemeyer T, Kezic S (2020) Tape stripping the stratum corneum for biomarkers of ultraviolet radiation exposure at sub-erythemal dosages: a study in human volunteers. IBMK Biomarkers 25(6):490-497. doi: /10.1080/1354750X.2020.1792551

Kovačića J, Wittlich M, John SM, Macan J (2020) Personal ultraviolet radiation dosimetry and its relationship with environmental data: A longitudinal pilot study in Croatian construction workers. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 207: 111866. doi: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2020.111866

Schubert S, Brans R, Reich A, Buhl T, Skudlik C, Schröder-Kraft C, Elsner P, Weisshaar E, Mahler V, Dickel H, Schön MP, John SM, Geier J for the IVDK (2020) Contact sensitization in metalworkers: data from the Information Network of Departments of Dermatology (IVDK), 2010 – 2018. Contact Dermatitis 83(6):487-496. doi: 10.1111/cod.13686

Bauer A, Fuchs T, John SM (2020) Berufsdermatosen: ein Überblick. Allergo Journal 29(3):50-56

Modenese A, Gobba F, Paolucci V, John SM, Sartorelli P, Wittlich M (2020) Occupational solar UV exposure in construction workers in Italy: results of a one-month monitoring with personal dosimeters. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2020 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), Madrid, Spain, 2020, Conference paper, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/EEEIC/ICPSEurope49358.2020.9160852 (indexed by Scopus)

Garbe C, Peris K, Soura E, Forsea AM, Hauschild A, Arenbergerova M, Bylaite M, del Marmol V, Bataille V, Samimi M, Gandini S, Saiag P, Eigentler T, Lallas A, Zalaudek I, Lebbe C, Grob JJ, Höller C, Robert C, Dreno B, Arenberger P, Kandolf-Sekulovic L, Kaufmann R, Malvehy J, Puig S, Leiter U, Ribero S, Papadavid E, Quaglino P, Bagot M, John SM, Richard MA, Trakatelli M, Salavastru C, Borradori L, Marinovic B, Enk A, Pincelli C, Ioannides D, Paul C, Stratigos A (2020) The Evolving Field of Dermato-Oncology and the Role of Dermatologists: Position Paper of the EADO, EADV and EADV Task Forces, EDF, IDS, EORTC Cutaneous Lymphoma Task Force and Euromelanoma European Association of Dermato-Oncology. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 34(19):2183-2197. doi: 10.1111/jdv.16849

Chernyshov P, John SM, Tomas-Aragones L, Goncalo M, Svensson A, Bewley A, Evers AWM, Szepietowski JC, Marron SE, Manolache L, Pustisek N, Suru A, Salavastru CM, Tiplica GS, Salek MS, Finlay AY (2020) Quality of life measurement in occupational skin diseases. Position paper of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Task Forces on Quality of Life and Patient Oriented Outcomes and Occupational Skin Disease. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 34(9):1924-1931. doi: 10.1111/jdv.16742

Hüsers J, Hafer G, Heggemann J, Wiemeyer S, John SM, Hübner U (2020) Predicting Amputation Risk for Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulceration – A Bayesian Decision Support Tool, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück. BMC Medical Informatics and decision making 20:200. doi: 10.1186/s12911-020-01195-x [online publication]

Bauer A, Haufe E, Heinrich L, Seidler A, Schulze HJ, Elsner P, Drexler H, Letzel S, John SM, Fartasch M, Brüning T, Dugas-Breit S, Gina M, Weistenhöfer W, Bachmann K, Bruhn I, Lang BM, Brans R, Allam JP, Grobe W, Westerhausen S, Knuschke P, Wittlich M, Diepgen TL, J Schmitt for the FB181 study group (2020) Basal cell carcinoma risk and solar UV exposure in occupationally relevant anatomic sites: Do histological subtype, tumor localization and Fitzpatrick phototype play a role? A population-based case-control study. J Occup Med Toxicol 15:28. doi: 10.1186/s12995-020-00279-8 [Epub 10 Sept 2020]

Dickel H, Kuehn A, Dickel B, Bauer A, Becker D, Fartasch M, Häberle M, John SM, Krohn S, Mahler V, Skudlik C, Weisshaar E, Werfel T, Geier J, DiepgenTL (2020) Beurteilung der Auswirkung einer arbeitsbedingten Allergie gegenüber Meerestieren bei der Minderung der Erwerbsfähigkeit im Rahmen der BK 5101. Dermatologie Beruf und Umwelt 68(3):113-125. doi: 10.5414/DBX00380

Balato A, Ayala F, Bruze M, Crepy MN, Goncalo M, Johansen J, John SM, Pigatto P, Raimondo A, Rustemeyer T, Schuttelaar MLA., Svedman C, Aerts O, Uter W, Wilkinson M, Gimenez-Arnau A (2020) European Task Force on Contact Dermatitis statement on coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) outbreak and the risk of adverse cutaneous reactions. Letter to the Editor. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 34(8):e353-e354. doi: 10.1111/jdv.16557 [Online publication]

Reich A, Wilke A, Gediga G, Baurecht H, Rodriguez E, Jakasa I, Geier J, Mempel J, Buhl T, Weidinger S, Kezic S, John SM, Schön MP, Brans R (2020) Health education decreases incidence of hand eczema in metal work apprentices: Results of a controlled intervention study. Contact Dermatitis 82(6): 350-360. doi: 10.1111/cod.13502

Butacu AI, Wittlich M, John SM, Zurac S, Dascalu M, Moldovan H, Tiplica GS (2020) Is Occupational Skin Cancer More Aggressive than Spoardic Cancer? Maedica-Journal of Clinical Medicine 15(2):158-164. doi: 10.26574/maedica.2020.15.2.158 [Online publication]

Melnik BC, John SM, Carrera-Bastos P, Schmitz G (2020) MicroRNA-21-enriched Exosomes as Epigenetic Regulators in Melanomagenesis and Melanoma Progression: The Impact of Western Lifestyle Factors. Cancers 12(8):2111. doi:10.3390/cancers12082111 [Online publication]

Brans R, Wilke A, Rodríguez E, Boraczynski N, Weidinger S, Reich A, Geier J, Schön MP, Skudlik C, John SM (2020) Effectiveness of secondary prevention in metalworkers with work-related skin diseases and comparison with participants of a tertiary prevention program: a prospective cohort study. Contact Dermatitis 83(6): 497-506. doi: 10.1111/cod.13682

Schubert S, Geier J, Skudlik C, Reich A, Hansen A, Buhl T, Mempel M, Schön MP, John SM, Brans R (2020) Relevance of contact sensitizations in occupational dermatitis patients with special focus on patch testing of workplace materials. Contact Dermatitis 83(6):475-486. doi: 10.1111/cod.13688

Symanzik C, John SM (2020) Untersuchung von Metallwerkzeugen im Friseurhandwerk hinsichtlich einer Freisetzung von Nickelionen. Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 68(2):52-59. doi: 10.5414/DBX00373

Symanzik C, John SM (2020) Untersuchung von Metallwerkzeugen im Friseurhandwerk hinsichtlich einer Freisetzung von Nickelionen. Allergologie 43(9):367-374. doi: 10.5414/DBX00373

Obermeyer L, Skudlik C, John SM, Brans R (2020) Berufsdermatologische Aspekte der Pustulosis palmoplantaris. Diskussionsbeitrag anhand einer retrospektiven Datenauswertung. Der Hautarzt 9:699-703

Girvalaki C, Cardone A, Weinert P, John SM (2020) Non-melanoma skin cancer as an occupational disease. What is the impact on the society and the welfare system? J Health Inequalities 6(2):153-159. doi: 10.5114/jhi.2020.101599

Modenese A, Gobba F, Paolucci V, John SM, Sartorelli P, Wittlich M (2020) A one-month monitoring of exposure to solar UV radiation of a group of construction workers in Tuscany. Energies 13(22):6035. doi:10.3390/en13226035

Hüsers J, Przysucha M, Nolte L, Paul A, Matysek P, John SM, Hübner U (2020) Expressiveness of SNOMED CT for wound Care – Mapping a Standardised item Set for Leg Ulcers to SNOMED CT. Research Square. doi: 10.21203/ [Online publication]

Rönsch H, Apfelbacher C, Brans R, Ofenloch R, Schuttelaar MLA, Weisshaar E, Bauer A (2020) Protocol for the development of a core domain set for hand eczema trials. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 34(12):2871-2876

Brans R (2020) Hand dermatitis in nurses: is promotion of protective behaviour ineffective? Br J Dermatol 183(3):411-412

Geier J, Brans R (2020) Wie häufig ist die Duftstoffallergie wirklich? Hautarzt 71(3):197-204

Uter W, Aalto-Korte K, Agner T, Andersen KE, Bircher AJ, Brans R, Bruze M, Diepgen TL, Foti C, Giménez Arnau A, Gonçalo M, Goossens A, McFadden J, Paulsen E, Svedman C, Rustemeyer T, White IR, Wilkinson M, Johansen JD; European Environmental Contact Dermatitis Research Group (2020) The epidemic of methylisothiazolinone contact allergy in Europe: follow-up on changing exposures. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 34(2):333-339

Wilke A, Braumann A, Krambeck K, Lange K, Wohlers S, Skudlik C, & Sonsmann F (2020) Gesundheitspädagogische Patientenberatung in der Individualprävention: Chancen und Herausforderungen bei der Optimierung personenbezogener Schutzmaßnahmen am Beispiel konkreter Fälle aus der Praxis. Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt 68 (4):159-170

Rönsch H, Apfelbacher C, Brans R, Ofenloch R, Schuttelaar MLA, Weisshaar E, Bauer A (2020) Protocol for the development of a core domain set for hand eczema trials. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 34(12):2871-2876

Brans R (2020) Hand dermatitis in nurses: is promotion of protective behaviour ineffective? Br J Dermatol 183(3):411-412

Geier J, Brans R (2020) Wie häufig ist die Duftstoffallergie wirklich? Hautarzt 71(3):197-204




Publikationen 2019

Oosterhaven JAF, Uter W, Aberer W, Armario-Hita JC, Ballmer-Weber BK, Bauer A, Czarnecka-Operacz M, Elsner P, García-Gavín J, Giménez-Arnau AM, John SM, Kręcisz B, Mahler V, Rustemeyer T, Sadowska-Przytocka A, Sánchez-Pérez J, Simon D, Valiukevičienė S, Weisshaar E, Schuttelaar MLA (2019) European Surveillance System on Contact Allergies (ESSCA): Contact allergies in relation to body sites in patients with allergic contact dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis 80(5):263-272. doi: 10.1111/cod.13192

Melnik BC, John SM, Agamia NF, Chen W, De Vita V, Karadag AS, Plewig G, Schmitz G (2019) Isotretinoin´s paradoxical effects in immortalized sebocytes. British Journal of Dermatology 180(4):957-958. doi: 10.1111/bjd.17579

John SM (2019) Commentary to “Minimal clinically important difference (MCID) for work productivity and activity impairment (WPAI) questionnaire in psoriasis patients” by J.J. Wu et al. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 33(2):318-324. doi:10.1111/jdv.15418

Balato A, Raimondo A, Arenberger P, Bruze M, Czarnecka-Operacz M, Johanssen JD, Goncalo M, Ranki A, Uter W, Wilkinson M, Ayala F, John SM, Gimenez-Arnau A, Gollnick H (2019) The role of the dermatologist in the immun-mediated /allergic diseases - position statement of the EADV Task Force on Contact Dermatitis, EADV Task Force on Occupational Skin Diseases, UEMS-EBDV subcommission allergology, and European Dermatology Forum. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 33(8):1459-1464. doi: 10.1111/jdv.15610

Augustin M, Schäfer I, Krensel M, Reusch M, Mohr P, Gensel F, Greinert R, John SM, Zander N (2019) Decreasing sunbed use in the German population between 2001 – 2015: survey in 155,679 working persons. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 33(3):541-545. doi: 10.1111/jdv.15309

Paulo MS, Adam B, Akagwu C, Akparibo I, Al-Rifaia RH, Bazrafshane S, Gobba F, Green AC, Ivanov I, Kezic S, Leppink S, Loney T, Modenese A, Pega F, Peters CE, Prüss-Üstün A, Tenkate T, Ujita Y, Wittlich M, John SM (2019) WHO/ILO work-related burden of disease and injury: Protocol for systematic reviews of occupational exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation and of the effect of occupational exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation on melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer. Environ Int 126:804-815. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2018.09.039

Geier J, Lessmann H, Bauer A, Becker D, Dickel H, Fartasch M, Häberle M, John SM, Krohn S, Mahler V, Skudlik C, Weisshaar E, Werfel T, Diepgen TL für die Arbeitsgruppe „Bewertung der Allergene bei BK 5101“ der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Berufs- und Umweltdermatologie und der Deutschen Kontaktallergie-Gruppe in der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (2019) Auswirkung einer arbeitsbedingten Kontaktallergie gegen Propylenglykol bei der BK 5101. Dermatol Beruf Umwelt 67(1):27-31

Symanzik C, John SM, Strunk M (2019) Nickel release from metal tools in the German hairdressing trade - A current analysis. Contact Dermatitis 80(6):382-385. doi: 10.1111/cod.13251

Augustin M, Mrowietz U, Luck‐Sikorski C, von Kiedrowski R, Schlette S, Radtke MA, John SM, Zink A, Suthakharan N, Sommer R for the German ECHT research group (2019) Translating the WHA resolution in a member state: towards a German programme on ‘Destigmatization’ for individuals with visible chronic skin diseases. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 33(11):2202-2208. doi: 10.1111/jdv.15682

Melnik B, John SM, Agamia NF, Chen W, De Vita V, Karadag AS, Plewig G, Schmitz G (2019) Isotretinoin’s paradoxical effects in immortalized sebocytes. British Journal of Dermatology 180(4):957-958

Michalek IM, John SM, Caetano dos Santos FL (2019) Microbiological contamination of cosmetic products - observations from Europe, 2005-2018. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 33(11):2151-2157. doi: 10.1111/jdv.15728

Grim C, Kramer R, Engelhardt M, John SM, Hotfiel T, Hoppe MW (2019) Effectiveness of manual therapy, customised foot orthoses and combined therapy in the management of plantar fasciitis - a RCT. Sports 7(6):1-12. doi: 10.3390/sports7060128

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Mahler V, Nast A, Bauer A, Becker D, Brasch J, Breuer K, Dickel H, Drexler H, Elsner P, Geier J, John SM, Kreft B, Köllner A, Merk H, Ott H, Pleschka S, Portisch M, Spornraft-Ragaller P, Weisshaar E, Werfel T, Worm M, Schnuch A, Uter W (2019) S3-Leitlinie: Durchführung des Epikutantests mit Kontaktallergenen und Arzneimitteln – Kurzfassung Teil 1 (S3 guidelines: Epicutaneous patch testing with contact allergens and drugs – Short version, Part 1). JDDG 17(10):1075-1093. doi: 10.1111/ddg.13956_g

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